新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新京报:育儿剧强过婆媳剧?不一定


Beijing News: Parenting drama too strong law drama? Not certain

2015-05-08 08:30:24来源: 人民网

【荧屏导视·《虎妈猫爸》】 赵薇和佟大为演的《虎妈猫爸》,倒真是中国特色的养育方式,父母以上班很忙为由,将小孩丢给爷爷奶奶。电视剧需要突出剧情,加剧矛盾,于是这小孩成了最讨人嫌的。 2014...

[screen guides, "tiger mother cat daddy] Zhao Wei and Tong Dawei play" tiger mother cat dad ", pour really is Chinese characteristic way of parenting and parents to work very busy on the grounds, child lost to grandma and grandpa. The need to highlight the TV drama, the conflict, and the child became the most. 2014...