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《芈月传》手游今日上线 蓝港携乐视打造影游联动..

"Mi month biography" Mobile Games Landcom articles on-line today to create music as shadow tour linkage.

2016-03-25 22:00:12来源: 新浪

由蓝港互动携手花儿影视、乐视共同打造的MMOARPG国战手游《芈月传》今日正式上线。游戏由官方唯一正版授权,郑晓龙导演首次跨界监制,采用唯美写实画风,完美再现电视剧经典人物、场景、剧情,包含万人激情国战、激萌战宠养成、豪情诸侯争霸等丰富玩法。 电视剧《芈月传》由乐视旗下花儿影业出品,...

By blue harbor interactive flowers television, music together together to create MMOARPG national war Mobile Games "Mi month biography" today officially launched. Authorized by the official, the only legitimate game, director Zheng Xiaolong first cross-border producer, the beautiful and realistic style, a perfect reproduction of classic drama characters, setting, plot, contains million people of passion fighting the country, develop stimulated sprouting battle pet, passionate princes hegemony and rich gameplay. TV drama "by Mi month biography" as its music pictures produced flowers,...

标签: 手游