新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我想挖矿拯救全世界,你却只关心怎么用比特币赚钱


I want to dig to save the world, but you only care about how to make money with bitcoin

2015-02-01 23:42:06来源: 大河网

先讲一个故事: 我第一次听说比特币是在2013年3月19号,那时一个比特币值57美元。当时我倒不怎么关心比特币值多少钱,我只是觉得比特币背后那一整套设计和架构很有意思。虽然我已经在IT行业摸爬滚...

to tell a story: the first time I heard of bitcoin was in March 19, 2013, when a bit value of $57. At that time, I do not care about how much money a bit value, I just think that bitcoins behind a set of design and architecture is very interesting. Although I have been in and out of the IT industry...