新关注 > 信息聚合 > Newzoo:16名YouTube主播年收入超百万美元


YouTube named Newzoo:16 anchor over a million dollars in annual revenue

2015-07-22 13:23:04来源: 17173

在社交媒体和视频直播平台的影响下,游戏产业正经历巨大变化。荷兰市场研究公司Newzoo在一份标题为《消费者即生产者:游戏与视频的汇合如何推动产业增长》的白皮书中指出,游戏开发者与玩家之间的关系正在改变。 “玩家们不但可以直播视频,还可以在社交媒体平台发表评论、分享观点,这意味着开发者...

in social media and video broadcast platform, the gaming industry is undergoing tremendous changes. The Dutch market research firm newzoo in a title for the consumers, producers: the convergence of video games and how to promote industrial growth, "the white paper pointed out that the relationship between the game developers and players are changing. "Players can not only live video, but also in social media platforms to comment, share ideas, which means that developers...

标签: 主播