新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10月影市“十三不靠” 好莱坞大片姗姗来迟撑场

10月影市“十三不靠” 好莱坞大片姗姗来迟撑场

10 moon city "13 does not depend on" Hollywood late up

2015-10-02 19:19:40来源: 中国青年网

十月影市相对比较尴尬,属于国庆档之后贺岁档之前的“十三不靠”冷门档期。按照以往规律,各路豪杰会偃旗息鼓,只有个别国产强片会在月底上映,没被安排到热档的进口大片倒是会集中和观众见面。 国庆长假由于重量级电影喜欢在9月底“提前占座”,因此进入10月之后,华语电影并无重量级之作,进口片往往...

for ten shadow city is relatively awkward, belongs to the National Archives after he old file before the "13 does not depend on" unpopular schedule. In accordance with the laws of the past, the brightest hero will stop clamoring, only a few domestic customers will be released at the end of the month, was not scheduled to thermal profile of large imports will focus and the audience. National day long vacation because heavyweight film like in the end of September "occupying a seat in advance", so after entering in October, Chinese film there is no heavyweight work, often imported films...