新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中青报:取消行政级别会让学校更弱势?


The newspaper: cancel the administrative level will make the school more vulnerable?

2015-05-12 09:04:44来源: 人民网

教育部日前发布《关于深入推进教育管办评分离 促进政府职能转变的若干意见》,《意见》明确提到要积极创造条件,取消学校的行政级别。这一提法,已经在国家级文件中出现过多次,如2010年颁布的国家教育规划纲要。但至今还只停留在纸面。学校行政级别尚未取消,一些人却围绕级别是否该取消打起口水仗,混淆...

the Ministry of Education recently issued "on deepening the education management office score from the several opinions" to promote the transformation of government functions, "opinions" clearly mentioned the need to actively create conditions, to cancel the administrative level of the school. This formulation, has been in the national documents appeared several times, such as the national education plan issued in 2010. But still stay on the paper. The school administrative level has not been canceled, but some people around the level whether the cancellation of playing slobber battle, confusion...