新关注 > 信息聚合 > 既是男高音又是二胡独奏演员 马骏个人独奏独唱音..

既是男高音又是二胡独奏演员 马骏个人独奏独唱音..

Not only is the tenor solo erhu solo solo voice actor Ma Jun..

2015-12-08 23:52:44来源: 华龙网

华龙网12月8日21时30分讯(记者 林楠 实习生 刘露)吃饭、看电影、K歌已经成了大众休闲的普遍方式,除了这些,也许你可以给你的生活添点更高雅的佐料。据悉,本周五(11日)19:30,重庆市歌剧院...

Hualong network December 8th news (reporter Lin Nan Intern Liu Lu 21:30) eating, watching movies, karaoke has become a common way of mass leisure besides these, maybe you can give your life to add more elegant. It is reported that this Friday (11 days) 19:30, Chongqing City Opera house...