新关注 > 信息聚合 > “长征五号”发射在即 海南文昌准备就绪

“长征五号”发射在即 海南文昌准备就绪

"Long March 5" launch of hainan wenchang ready

2016-11-03 02:22:44来源: 中国新闻网

“长征五号”发射在即 海南文昌准备就绪 【解说】中国最大推力运载火箭“长征五号”将于本月上旬择机在海南文昌航天发射场发射。11月2日,中新社记者驱车至发射场所在地龙楼镇,一路顺畅通行。相较几个月...

"Long March 5" launch of hainan wenchang ready "explanation", China's largest carrier rocket thrust "long March 5" satellite will be in early this month in hainan wenchang spaceport launch. On November 2, China news agency reporters drove to the launch site in lumbricus floor town, all the way through. Compared to a few months...