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炉石传说 GVG新版盗贼卡组机械海盗贼卡组分享

Furnace stone legend GVG new thief card group machinery pirate thief card group share

2014-12-25 13:03:22来源: 电玩巴士

前言 纵横四海快意恩仇的海盗生活我相信都曾经是每个男孩某个人生阶段都会有过的梦想。 可惜炉石之中虽然早已有了海盗的分类,但是海盗卡少,弱,配合差,导致了海盗卡组就连娱乐套都很难组出来。 ...

objective freely the four seas enqiu pirate life I believe were once each boy a stage of life would have dreamed. But although there is already a hearthstone Pirates of the classification, but the pirate card less, weak, with poor, resulting in the Pirates of the card group even entertainment sets are difficult to set out. ...

标签: 炉石传说