新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国旅并入港中旅后 新集团或命名为中国旅游集团

国旅并入港中旅后 新集团或命名为中国旅游集团

CITS and inward travel The new group or named China travel

2016-07-15 21:58:11来源: 网易

(原标题:国旅并入港中旅后,新集团或命名为中国旅游集团) 7月11日国资委公布中国国旅并入港中旅的整合方案后,有知情人士表示,新的集团可能被命名为“中国旅游集团”,目前尚未确定,新集团高层将分别...

(after the original title: CITS and inward travel service, a new group or named China travel group) on July 11, sasac announced CITS and the integration of port travel plan, have, according to people familiar with the new group could be named as "China travel group", at present has not yet been determined, the new group of high-level, respectively...