新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢伏瞻高频会见世界名校的代表,所为何事?


Xie fuzhan high frequency to meet with representatives of the world-famous universities, doing what?

2016-07-14 08:24:44来源: 大河网

金水河客户端记者 侯皓 孙静 昨天,省委书记谢伏瞻会见了美国马里兰大学公共政策学院院长罗伯特·奥尔一行。这是本月以来,谢书记第二次与美国名校代表的深入接触。 7月1日,谢伏瞻曾与省长陈润儿一道会...

The golden stream to the client Hou Hao Sun jing yesterday, xie fuzhan, secretary of provincial party committee met with the university of Maryland school of public policy director Robert ORR a line. This is this month, thank secretary of second deep contact with representatives of American universities. On July 1, xie fuzhan ever together with the governor Chen Runer will...