新关注 > 信息聚合 > 慈世平夸完阿联赞四川:四川就是最棒的球队


Peace kua after yi great sichuan, sichuan is of the best teams of all time

2016-09-28 11:20:08来源: 新浪

慈世平媒体日接受采访 《星岛日报》报道 记者高欣 北京时间9月27日,在湖人队媒体日中,除了阿联以外,还有一张中国球迷十分熟悉的面孔,那就是老将慈世平。 在湖人队,唯一与易建联有些渊源的可能就要数慈世平了。慈世平在NBA早期使用的名字是阿泰斯特,2008-09赛季,效力于...

Peace media day interview singtao daily reported The reporter gx-power Beijing time on September 27, the lakers media between Japan and China, in addition to the yi, and a Chinese fans very familiar faces, the veteran of world peace. In the Los Angeles lakers, the only with yi jianlian some origin may be for peace. Peace in the NBA early use of the name is RON artest, the 2008-09 season, played for the...