新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四川某学校一间寝室住55名学生 回应称正在解决

四川某学校一间寝室住55名学生 回应称正在解决

Sichuan a school dormitory live 55 students responded are solved

2016-09-21 00:47:19来源: 中国青年网

“10月底前将减少宿舍容量” 日前,一则“一间寝室住了55名学生”的新闻,让位于重庆市北碚区的四川仪表工业学校成为舆论关注的焦点。 日前,中国青年报·中青在线记者前往该校探访,该校相关人士称问题正在解决中,但拒绝了记者实地查看该宿舍的要求。 此前,据《重庆晨报》报道,该寝室位...

"Before the end of October will reduce the dormitory capacity", a "live a dormitory for 55 students" of the news, let is located in beibei in chongqing sichuan instrument industrial school has become the focus of public opinion. Recently, China youth daily, middle online journalists to visit the school, the school relevant personage says problem is to solve, but rejected reporters to visit the dormitory. Previously, the chongqing morning post reported, the bedroom a...