新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一哥:雷霆季后赛强于勇士骑士 他们本应夺冠

一哥:雷霆季后赛强于勇士骑士 他们本应夺冠

Brother: thunder in the playoffs they should win the knight Warrior

2016-07-15 06:51:45来源: 华体网

7月15日 据《sbnation》消息,勇士前锋伊戈达拉在接受采访时吐真言,他表示雷霆是今年季后赛中最好的球队,而并非勇士和骑士,同时他也表示,雷霆本应该赢得今年的总冠军。 伊戈达拉接受电台节...

In July 15th, according to the "sbnation" message, the warriors striker Iguodala in an interview with the truth, he said that the thunder is the best team in the playoffs this year, instead of the warriors and knights, but he also said that the thunder should win the championship this year. Iguodala accepts radio festival...