新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《机械师2》4天票房近2亿 杰森-斯坦森特辑曝光

《机械师2》4天票房近2亿 杰森-斯坦森特辑曝光

"Mechanic 2" 4 days at the box office nearly 200 million Jason statham special exposure

2016-10-25 19:46:41来源: 中国青年网

《机械师2:复活》上映四天斩获近2亿票房 “极匠来袭”海报诠释斯坦森角色【点击进入高清组图】 10月21日,由性感硬汉杰森-斯坦森领衔主演的好莱坞动作巨制《机械师2:复活》全国上映。电影上映...

The mechanic 2: resurrection on its four days won nearly 200 million posters "extremely artisan incoming statham role [click to enter hd picture] on October 21, the sexy tough guy Jason statham starred in the blockbuster Hollywood action mechanic 2: resurrection national release. Movie...