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双十一购物活动最后一天 教你如何赚钱

Double 11 shopping last day teach you how to make money

2015-11-16 20:39:11来源: 多玩游戏

活动已经最后一天了,说真的讲出来估计你们也赚不到多少了。就让大家看看商人们都是怎么赚钱的。 1,买凝气石,等活动石头过去。 凝气石大概会回升到40金的样子,过上1 ,2个月回到50金以上。 有人...

activity was on the final day, said really speak out estimated that you did not earn much. Let's see how the business people are making money. 1, buy gas stone, and other activities stone in the past. Gas rock will probably pick up to 40 gold look, over 2, 1 months back to more than 50 gold. Someone...