新关注 > 信息聚合 > 限购效应:通州商务型公寓陷入“冰点”


Restriction effects: Tongzhou business-type apartment into a "freezing"

2016-05-15 05:00:48来源: 全景网

“昨天成交了两套151平方米的公寓,都是个人没有购房资格,改用公司名义购房。”通州一家商务型公寓开发商告诉21世纪经济报道记者。 据亚豪君岳会统计,五一假期后的第一周(5月2日-5月8日)北京商品住宅(不含保障房与自住房)仅实现成交1875套,成交面积18.42万平方米,环比之前一周...

"Yesterday a deal two 151 m2 apartments are no individuals qualified buyers in favor of the company on behalf of buyers." Tongzhou a business-friendly apartment developer told 21st Century Business Herald reporter. According to Ya Ho Jun Yue Statistics, in the first week after the holiday (May 2nd - May 8th) Beijing commercial housing (excluding affordable housing and from the housing) turnover achieved only 1875 sets, closing an area of 184,200 square feet m ring than a week ago ...