新关注 > 信息聚合 > 韩国“国民饮料”:咖啡才是永恒真爱


The South Korean "national drink": Coffee is eternal love

2015-03-23 11:02:18来源: 新浪

《留学[微博]》杂志讯 韩国人对咖啡的痴迷是局外人无法想象的,咖啡店不仅仅是销售贩卖咖啡的场所,也是学习工作的好地方,更是一个结交朋友、建立人脉的场所。对留学生来说,咖啡馆就是多功能休息室和图书馆。...

"study [micro-blog]" magazine news Korean obsession with Coffee is an outsider can not imagine, Coffee shop is not just selling selling Coffee place, a good place to study and work is also, more is a make friends, networking sites. For students, Coffee museum is a multifunctional lounge and library. ...