新关注 > 信息聚合 > 好医生刘维军:用嘴吸出患者呕吐物


Good doctor Liu: [Abstract] suction mouth patients vomit

2015-09-30 07:25:47来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 在观看一场足球赛时,突遇一名球迷脑出血,猛烈呕吐,命悬一线。就在此时,男子突然呕吐起来,刘维军赶紧用手将男子呕吐物抠出,又将男子的头偏向一边,防止其窒息。看到男子口中有呕吐物残留,刘维军俯...

] in watching a football match, suddenly encountered a fans of cerebral hemorrhage, violent vomiting, life hanging line. At this point, the man suddenly vomiting, Liu Weijun hurriedly hand to pull the man's vomit, and the man's head to the side, to prevent the suffocation. To see the man in the mouth of the vomit, Liu Weijun bend...