新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新年送大礼 manta 7X开启一元抢购活动

新年送大礼 manta 7X开启一元抢购活动

New Year gift to send Manta 7X to open a yuan of panic buying activity

2015-02-12 06:16:13来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线手机频道行情报道)2015年2月12日,manta 7X(行货带发票)在“manta手机官网”开启一元抢购活动,该机配件为:电池(内置)、充电器、耳机、数据线、说明书等,manta 7X...

(Zhongguancun online mobile phone channel market report February 12, 2015), Manta 7X (goods belt receipt) to open a yuan of panic buying activity in the "Manta mobile phone website", the machine accessories: battery (built in), charger, data line, Headset, manual, Manta 7X...