新关注 > 信息聚合 > 跨界造手机尚待市场检验


Transboundary made mobile phone is still yet to test the market

2015-03-23 04:32:48来源: 新浪网

企业大佬跨界做手机正在成为热门话题。据报道,日前,在中山大学一个讲座上,格力电器董事长董明珠首次公开展示格力手机。无独有偶,疯狂英语创始人李阳近日在微博上声称,“疯狂手机”即将在全国上市。 不少...

enterprise bosses do mobile phone is becoming a hot topic of transboundary. According to reports, recently, a lecture at the Zhongshan University, Gree electric chairman Dong Mingzhu first public demonstration of Gree mobile phone. Coincidentally, the founder of Crazy English Li Yang, recently in micro-blog claimed, "crazy mobile phone" will be listed in the country. A lot of...