新关注 > 信息聚合 > 汇通信诚租赁荣获2014纳税突出贡献企业


Huitong Cheng lease was awarded the 2014 tax outstanding contribution to enterprise

2015-05-26 12:35:46来源: 爱卡汽车网

【东风本田陕西奥本特约销售服务店、汇通信诚租赁联合推出】 2015年5月4日,新疆乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区(头屯河区)召开优秀企业座谈会,表彰2014年全区工业十强企业、最具成长力工业企业等优秀企...

[Dongfeng Honda Shaanxi Auburn special sales and service shop, Department of communication Cheng leasing jointly launched] 2015 May 4th, Xinjiang Urumqi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Toutunhe) held a outstanding enterprise base on and recognition in 2014 the region industry ten strong enterprises, the most outstanding industrial enterprises and other enterprises to grow.