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Super Mario Odyssey sale joy dance in New York

2017-10-27 18:51:34来源: A9GVG 电玩部落

《超级马里奥奥德赛》在今日正式发售,在美国纽约的售卖现场,任天堂准备了欢乐的现场舞蹈表演,使用的正式主题曲《Jump up! super star》。舞者们欢乐的舞蹈展现了《超级马里奥奥德赛》游戏的...

Super Mario Odyssey in today's launch, New York in the United States sell field, nintendo set the scene of the joy of dance performances, the use of formal theme song "Jump up! Super star". The dancers dance of joy shows the super Mario Odyssey of the game...