新关注 > 信息聚合 > ADAS的前世今生和一个世界难题!


ADAS's past and present and a world problem!

2017-10-29 02:51:19来源: 搜狐科技

导语:汽车产业经历剧变,自动驾驶浪潮来袭。最后我从我个人角度来简单地分享一下我对ADAS未来发展趋势的一些看法。从产业化的角度来讲,我比较喜欢这样一个图:FROM ADAS TOWARDS AD,从ADAS到自动驾驶,我非常相信未来自动驾驶是一个必然的趋势。

Introduction: automobile industry undergoes drastic change, automatic driving wave strikes. Finally, I would like to share my views on the future trends of ADAS simply from my personal point of view. From the point of view of industrialization, I prefer such a map: FROM ADAS TOWARDS AD, from ADAS to automatic driving, I am very confident that the future of automatic driving is an inevitable trend.