新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马主帅亲承周末定未来 安帅:我想留下不想走

皇马主帅亲承周末定未来 安帅:我想留下不想走

Real Madrid coach Pro bearing weekend of future Ancelotti: I want to leave do not want to leave Sohu

2015-05-22 22:17:52来源: 搜狐

安帅新闻发布会坦言自己渴望留下 西班牙当地时间5月22日中午,皇马主帅安切洛蒂例行出席了联赛第38轮对阵赫塔菲的新闻发布会。由于西媒已经纷纷表示安切洛蒂将在赛季结束后下课,而本场比赛也是皇马本赛...

Ann handsome press conference admitted his desire to leave the Spanish local time may 22 at noon, Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti routine attended the press conference League thirty eighth round against Getafe. As the western media have said that Ancelotti will end the season after the end of the season, and the game is real madrid...