新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周慧敏推掉三档真人秀:不想飞来飞去,不想被约束


Vivian Chow pushed off three reality show: do not want to fly, do not want to be bound

2016-03-15 17:28:42来源: 中国新闻网

中新网3月15日电 台湾“中国时报”报道,“永远的玉女”周慧敏在2014年首次参与电影《等一个人咖啡》,在剧中饰演老板娘并献唱插曲《咖啡在等一个人》获得热烈回响,而她也在同年底推出福专辑《HIM》,自复出后冻龄美貌让她受封“冻龄女神”,近日出席活动谈及是否会举办出道30周年的演唱会?她笑...

In new network on March 15, Taiwan "China Times" reported, forever Lady Vivian in 2014 for the first time in the movie "one coffee", in the drama played the boss and sappy episode "coffee in a personal" received an enthusiastic response, and she also in at the end of the same year launched Fu album "him", since the comeback after freezing old beauty let she ascribed "freeze the age of Goddess", recently attended the activity talking about whether held debut the 30th anniversary concert? Her smile...