新关注 > 信息聚合 > 去吧皮卡丘7星一转材料怎么获得


Go Pikachu Forza a material to

2015-09-08 21:12:38来源: 电玩巴士

问:去吧皮卡丘7星一转材料怎么获得 答: 7星精灵进化条件:7星精灵+9.一转材料:月亮精华=1000,命之华=500,龙之灵=125,灵魂印记=50。 转材料主要途径:神秘商店会刷新,...

Q: go Pikachu Forza a material to answer: Forza elves evolutionary conditions: Forza elves +9. a material: the essence of the moon = 1000, the life of China = 500, the Dragon Spirit 125, soul imprint = 50. Main way to turn the material: the mysterious store will be refreshed,...