新关注 > 信息聚合 > 琼斯秘密接受柔术特训 欲身着蓝带迎战约翰逊

琼斯秘密接受柔术特训 欲身着蓝带迎战约翰逊

Jones secretly accept special training in Jiu Jitsu for blue ribbon against Johnson

2015-04-22 12:15:57来源: 搜狐

琼斯正在为获得巴西柔术蓝带努力 UFC中国讯 “骨头”乔恩-琼斯(Jon Jones)在今年1月3日判定击败丹尼尔-科米尔(Daniel Cormier)之后经历了很多事情,除了被查出可卡因代谢物而饱受谴责之外,他也在为5月24日与安东尼-约翰逊(Anthony Johnson)的一...

Jones is Brazil Jiu Jitsu blue ribbon to UFC Chinese news "bones" Jon - Jones (Jon Jones) in January 3rd this year to determine the beat Daniel Cormier (Daniel Cormier) after a lot of things, in addition to being found cocaine metabolite is blamed, he also in May 24th and Anthony - Johnson (Anthony Johnson) a...