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《梦幻西游》手游巧匠值是什么 巧匠值查看与增加..

"Dream swims on the west" tour craftsman value is what craftsman value view and..

2015-07-23 20:32:25来源: TechWeb

《梦幻西游》手游巧匠值是什么 巧匠值查看与增加方法。巧匠值是一种对装备强化打造的额外奖励,也是洗练石最直接的获取途径,下面蚕豆小编就来为大家介绍一下如何查看巧匠值,以及加巧匠值的方法。 查看方法 在装备打造界面有一个巧匠值奖励的图标,围着一圈绿色的条子,那就是巧匠值了,如下图所示: ...

"dream swims on the west" tour craftsman added value is what craftsman value view and add methods. Craftsman value is a kind of to create additional incentives for equipment to strengthen and succinct stone the most direct way to obtain, following bean small series to for everyone to introduce how to view the craftsman value, and and the craftsman value method. Check method in equipment to create the interface has a craftsman bonus icons, surrounded by a ring of green note that craftsman value, as shown below:...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游