新关注 > 信息聚合 > 步入新纪元 《刺客信条:变节》将支持眼球控制

步入新纪元 《刺客信条:变节》将支持眼球控制

A new era of Assassin's Creed: "renegade" will support the eyeball control

2015-02-06 16:03:26来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 近日,育碧和Tobii科技公司达成 合作,在最新的《刺客信条:叛变》中借助SteelSeries(赛睿) Sentry眼球追踪器能够对游戏角色进行控制,这款追踪器定于今年3月份发售,届时还将会免费附赠这款热门大作。 步入新纪元 《刺客信条:变节》将支持眼球...

Sina video loading, please wait... Recently, Ubisoft and Tobii technology companies have reached a cooperation, in the new "Assassin's Creed: mutiny" by SteelSeries (Rui) Sentry eye tracker can control the game character, the tracker is scheduled for release in March this year, when there will be free with the popular masterpiece. A new era of Assassin's Creed: "renegade" will support the eyeball...

标签: 刺客信条