新关注 > 信息聚合 > B站发布关于360快视频调查结果 称无信息泄露证据

B站发布关于360快视频调查结果 称无信息泄露证据

B stand released about 360 fast video survey says no information leakage proof

2018-02-21 12:07:27来源: 凤凰科技

凤凰网科技讯 2月20日消息,针对360快视频侵权B站事件,B站今日在微博上发表公开信,阐述了关于用户反馈B站账号可以直接登录的调查结果。B站在公开信称,至今并未发现B站的用户账号信息被泄露的证据。对于未经授权盗搬UP主内容信息、侵犯UP主权益的行为。B站将坚决支持和帮助UP主维权。

Phoenix network technology - February 20, 360 B stand fast video infringement events, B stand on weibo today published an open letter, elaborated on the user feedback B standing account can log on to the results of a survey directly. B standing in an open letter, said so far found no station B evidence of user account information was leaked. For unauthorized stolen moved UP the main content information, and UP the main rights violations. B will strongly support and help UP the main rights.

标签: 视频