新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三星S8+将有6GB版 暂仅向中韩市场预售

三星S8+将有6GB版 暂仅向中韩市场预售

Samsung S8 + will have 6 gb version only to China and South Korea market opens to booking

2017-04-07 12:07:32来源: 中关村在线

中关村在线消息:前不久三星刚刚发布了其年度旗舰机型三星S8系列,而除了4GB+64GB存储空间的标准版之外,近期有消息称,更有面向中韩市场的6GB大内存的三星Galaxy S8+“特别版”开放预订。...

Zhongguancun online news: recently samsung has just released its annual flagship model samsung S8 series, and in addition to 4 gb + 64 gb storage standard edition, the recent news that a more big 6 gb memory for the China and South Korea market of the samsung Galaxy S8 + "special edition" open book. ...

标签: 三星