最近,霍金在加州理工学院发表了题为“宇宙的起源”演讲。 人们为了聆听霍金的演讲,早在演讲开始前就排起了长长的队伍。 【搜狐科学消息】据国外媒体报道,最近,著名的理论物理学家斯蒂芬・霍金在加州理工学院表示,我们宇宙不需要上帝的帮助可以自然孕育出生命。 霍金的演讲首先从引用一则非洲...
recently, Hocking delivered a speech entitled "the origin of the universe" speech at the California Institute of Technology. People in order to listen to Hocking's speech, as early as in a speech before the start of a long row of the team. [news] Sohu scientific according to foreign media reports, recently, a famous theoretical physicist Stephen Hocking at the California Institute of Technology says the universe, we don't need God's help can be naturally a life. Hocking's speech from the first cited a Africa...