新关注 > 信息聚合 > LG杯-党毅飞2-0周睿羊夺冠 获得3亿韩元冠军奖

LG杯-党毅飞2-0周睿羊夺冠 获得3亿韩元冠军奖

LG Cup - party Yi flew 2-0 weeks to win the 300 million won champion.

2017-02-08 19:00:51来源: 搜狐

2月8日,党毅飞在第21届LG杯世界围棋棋王战决赛第二局执白1.5目胜周睿羊,总比分2-0赢得决赛,成为中国第17位世界冠军!党毅飞获得3亿韩元冠军奖金,周睿羊获得1亿韩元亚军奖金。 周睿羊目前...

In February 8th, the party will fly in the twenty-first LG cup world game of chess king and the final second games in the final second games to win Zhou Ruiyang, the total score of 2-0 won the final, China's seventeenth world champion! Party Yi Fei won the prize of 300 million won, and Zhou Ruiyang won the runner up prize of 100 million won. Zhou Rui sheep is now...