新关注 > 信息聚合 > 贫困生领补助拍照后钱被收回 校长:想打擦边球

贫困生领补助拍照后钱被收回 校长:想打擦边球

The poor students receive money after being photographed, and the money is withdrawn.

2016-01-23 17:03:44来源: 中国新闻网

图为:张爹爹拿着孩子的账本半拉房子,一贫如洗 补助金冲抵伙食费竟成“糊涂账” 金山中学校长承认“想打擦边球”大悟县表示将彻查 本月15日,革命老区大悟县金山中学上演这样一幕:183名贫困生领补助,校方安排举钱拍照,拍完留钱走人。 17日,楚天金报对此事展开报道后,引发广泛关注...

The picture shows: Zhang Diedie took the book of the children's book half a house, an impoverished subsidy rushed to the food fee. The headmaster of Jinshan middle school admitted "want to beat the ball". Dawu County said it was going to look up the 15 day of this month. The old revolutionary area Dawu County Jinshan middle school staged such a scene: 183 poor students receive subsidies, the school arranges to raise money. Take the money and leave the money. On the 17 day, Chutian Jin Bao launched a report on the matter, causing widespread concern.