新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张亮父子爆红 名模娇妻寇静曝光

张亮父子爆红 名模娇妻寇静曝光

Zhang Liang and his son burst of red supermodel wife Jing Kou exposure

2013-12-18 08:44:16来源: 中国青年网


"Daddy Where" five pairs of Zhang Liang and his son had been given the impression that sedate responsible father. After the show, the father and son burst of red, while the mysterious model wife Zhang Liang Jing Kou also attracted the attention of netizens. The young dad hiding behind what type of a mysterious woman, raised many more fans curiosity. Zhang Liang Chuan wife started everyone thought it was Wan Modan, Kou Jing Zhang Liang's wife only to find some information about Zhang Liang Xiao Bian wife Kou ...