新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点戏中遭强暴的女星 林心如范冰冰章子怡演技绝佳

盘点戏中遭强暴的女星 林心如范冰冰章子怡演技绝佳

Inventory raped drama actress Ruby Lin Fan Bingbing Zhang Ziyi acting excellent

2014-04-12 17:23:43来源: 河北新闻网


passion play has been a major selling point for television drama, a lot of stars in the incredible level of dedication, injured in the shooting star of their own minority , and even some star Jiaxizhenzuo. Vivian To make realistic rape scene, not only the feet Popi hand was cut mats, rape Haiqiong called a must play acting, crying ...