新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任志强:我创业不是靠拼爹 从未动用过家里的关系

任志强:我创业不是靠拼爹 从未动用过家里的关系

Ren Zhiqiang: I venture does not depend on the competition of family background had never used family connections

2013-11-03 08:05:36来源: 新浪网

资料图片 “大炮”任志强: 把自己真正的想法告诉社会,这是一种优雅整理/三湘华声全媒体记者 李婷实习生 邹梦玲 曾纠结于是否将自己的私生活和内心真实感受公布于众的任志强,最终选择袒露心声,揭秘充满励志色彩和传奇性的60年人生,发表火药味浓烈的经济和社会观点,将“一个人的故事”写...

pictures "artillery" Ren Zhiqiang: his real idea that society, it is an elegant finish / Sanxiang Huasheng all media reporter Li Ting Intern Zou Mengling has tangled so will Ren Zhiqiang's personal life and feel the real heart released to the public, the final choice to confide secret, full of inspirational colour and legendary life of 60 years, published a thick smell of the economic and social point of view, "the story of one man's" writing...