新关注 > 信息聚合 > 怀旧汽水纸标记录老南京的夏天


Nostalgic pop paper label record subject Nanjing old summer

2015-06-27 09:54:06来源: 新浪

怀旧汽水纸标记录老南京的夏天 在过去没有空调电扇的炎热夏天,人们是怎样战胜高温,抵抗酷暑的。那时的生活虽不及现在惬意舒适,却成为一代人永远挥之不去的快乐记忆。 朝天宫古玩市场一楼“五四号”店...

nostalgic pop paper record old Nanjing of summer in the past without air conditioning fan hot summer, people is how to beat the heat, the heat resistance of. Then the life is not as comfortable as it is now, but it has become a happy memory of a generation. Chaotiangong antique market on the first floor of "No. five four" shop...