新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林予晞空姐嫩照曝光 崇拜学姐袁艾菲

林予晞空姐嫩照曝光 崇拜学姐袁艾菲

Lin Xi stewardess tender Shots I adore sister Yuan Effie

2014-03-28 02:49:12来源: 新浪

林予晞在《A咖的路》饰演俏丽小助理关关打开知名度。 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,新人林予晞在《A咖的路》饰演俏丽小助理关关打开知名度,曾担任空姐的她在进入演艺圈前就与不少女星渊源颇深,影后谢欣颖...

Lin Xi to the "A coffee Way" played pretty little assistant Off Off Open visibility. LOS ANGELES According to Taiwan media reports, the new forest to Xi in "A coffee Way" played pretty little assistant OFF OFF open visibility, she served as a stewardess on the lot before entering showbiz actress deep roots, shadow Houxiexinying .. .