新关注 > 信息聚合 > 季米特洛夫拒谈与莎娃恋情 表态最大目标夺大满贯

季米特洛夫拒谈与莎娃恋情 表态最大目标夺大满贯

Dimitrov declined to discuss the love and Sawa position maximum target Grand Slam

2013-06-26 06:27:58来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间6月26日消息,保加利亚天才季米特洛夫是目前男子网坛颇受关注的新星之一,与俄罗斯美女莎拉波娃的恋情无疑使得他更引人注目。不过在接受采访时,季米特洛夫强调不喜欢过多谈论自己的私生活,夺得大满贯冠军是他的最大目标。 天赋不俗的季米特洛夫被冠以“小费德勒”的称号,这是否...

Sina Sina sports news Beijing standard time on June 26th message, Bulgaria genius Dimitrov is one of men's tennis star currently popular, and the Russian beauty Sharapova relationship will undoubtedly make him more attract sb.'s attention. But in an interview, Dimitrov stressed didn't like too much about his private life, to win a Grand Slam champion is his greatest goal. Good talented Dimitrov was dubbed "little Federer" of the title, this is...