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美好的记忆 跟随三星SUHD电视感受精彩地域

Good memory follow Samsung SUHD TV feel wonderful geographical

2015-06-26 06:24:00来源: 天极网

爱旅游、爱探险的人都渴望着攀登世界之巅珠穆朗玛峰,穿越惊险刺激的亚马逊热带丛林,漫步爱琴海浪漫之海等等,这些迷人的景色总是在呼唤着我们前去,可紧张忙碌的工作却让人不得不放弃出行的计划,倍感遗憾。 ...

love of travel and adventure are eager to climb the summit of Mount Everest, crossing the thrills of the Amazon jungle, stroll the Aegean romantic sea and so on, these charming scenery always calls we went to, can be a hectic work, but people had to give up the plan to travel, I feel sorry. ...

标签: 三星