新关注 > 信息聚合 > 液态金属手机图灵开箱 等待一年终到手

液态金属手机图灵开箱 等待一年终到手

Liquid metal Turing out of the phone Wait for a year

2016-10-23 05:39:53来源: 中关村在线

| 责编:庞超 早在去年7月开启预购号称8月10日开卖的全球首款液态金属手机的Turing Phone(图灵手机)你还记得么?不过到目前为止仍然有许多用户没有收到这款产品,在经过了一年的等待之后...

Coordinating editor: PangChao As early as last July open pre claims on sale on August 10, the world's first liquid metal handset Turing Phone (Turing mobile Phone) you remember? But so far there are still many users have not received the product, after a year of waiting for...