新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国参议院版的预算决议案表决通过


The senate version of the budget resolution adopted by a vote

2017-10-20 10:02:09来源: 金融界

这是特朗普税改的关键一步。该版决议允许税改在未来10年新增1.5万亿美元赤字,并且只需要简单多数就可通过。2017-10-20 06:41:15来源:海外掘金。2017-10-20 07:32:59来源:汇通网。2017-10-20 02:05:43来源:证券日报。2017-10-20 ...

This is a critical step in trump tax reform. The decision to allow tax reform new $1.5 trillion deficit in the next 10 years, and only need a simple majority to pass. Source: the 2017-10-20 06:41:15 overseas the Denver nuggets. Source: the 2017-10-20 07:32:59 huitong network. The 2017-10-20 02:05:43 source: securities daily. The 2017-10-20...