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如果《怪物猎人 世界》所有角色都变成aibo的话……

If the monster hunter world all roles become aibo......

2018-08-17 14:22:35来源: 游戏时光

在大型 MOD 网站「Nexus Mods」上近日出现了一款 PC 端《怪物猎人 世界》的 MOD,使用本 MOD 可以将游戏中几乎所有主要角色都换成玩家想要置换的脸。于是,大家就开始拿玩家的“相棒”受付娘开刀了……比如:所有人都变成了受付娘,没想到墨镜看上去意外的很搭。你还记得这些被换脸的角色原来长啥样吗当然了,鉴于这位“相棒”不干活只吃东西,很多玩家似乎都不待见她,甚至不想看到她的脸,于是就给她带上了头盔。受付娘又怎么和《怪物猎人 世界》中的猫猫们比呢?不仅能做猫饭,还能陪玩家一起打怪,干脆把你也变成艾露猫吧!来源:esuteru

In the large MOD website "Nexus Mods" has appeared on a & have spent PC world "monster hunter MOD, can use this MOD to replace almost all the main characters in the game has with players want to displacement of the face. So, everyone began to take the "stick" the players pay niang operation... Such as: everyone into the pay niang, unexpectedly sunglasses look unexpectedly is set. Do you still remember these are in face of the role of the original looks like? Of course, in view of the "good" work not only to eat, a lot of players seem to have hated her, don't even want to see her face, and then give her wear a helmet. By paying niang how and cats in the world "monster hunter than? Not only can do the cat food, still can accompany players to play blame, just get you into a ellione cat!!!! Source: esuteru

标签: AI 怪物猎人