新关注 > 信息聚合 > 睡觉之前嚼枸杞大有好处


Before going to bed is of great benefit to chew medlar

2017-02-04 04:57:12来源: 新浪

云南读者张女士问:我今年65岁,半夜经常口渴难耐。有朋友向我推荐,临睡前嚼服一把枸杞子,可以治疗夜间口干症。不知是否真的管用?每日该吃多少? 成都中医药大学中医药情报部副研究员蒲昭和点评:老人夜...

Yunnan Ms. Zhang asks the reader: I am 65 years of age, and often thirsty in the middle of the night. A friend recommended to me, chewing on a pair of medlar, before bed can treat dry mouth disease at night. I don't know whether really work? How much to eat per day? Chengdu university of traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine intelligence, deputy researcher PuZhaoHe review: the old man night...