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终有一日拔剑成 致升班黑马InG战队晋级之志

One day cause the sword to cut the team progressing horse InG blog

2016-01-19 08:58:30来源: 巴士LOL

2016赛季《英雄联盟》甲级职业联赛(LSPL)在1月18日重燃战火。在沉寂半年后,十六支国内优秀队伍将展开激烈搏杀,争取通往顶级职业联赛LPL的资格。 在职业赛事体系大变革的背景下,本赛季无疑将成为中国职业圈具有重大意义的一个赛季,对LSPL来说,新赛制的引入在让联赛变得更具有竞争...

2016 season, "Heroes Union" Grade League (LSPL) resumption of fighting on 18 January. After six months of silence, sixteen outstanding domestic teams will fight fiercely, for access to top professional league LPL qualification. In the context of professional tournament system big changes this season will undoubtedly become a Chinese professional circle season of great significance for LSPL, the introduction of the new competition system to make the league more competitive ...