新关注 > 信息聚合 > 局座张召忠斗鱼直播战舰世界三大活动送好礼


局座 Zhang Zhaozhong bettas are live on the world's three largest battleship activity to send gifts

2016-05-12 19:58:30来源: 天极网

《战舰世界》无畏风暴新版公测来袭,新版本引入天候变化机制。为给广大水友带来极致的游戏体验,斗鱼直播平台将举办三大活动,除此之外,斗鱼还特别邀请到军事界著名评论员张召忠教授来解说本次《战舰世界》主播水友赛。 据了解,斗鱼举办的《战舰世界》三大活动,包括《战舰世界》24小时精彩不间断、转...

"Warships world" fearless storm the new open beta hits, introduced a new version of weather change mechanism. Bring friends to the water game experience to the extreme, bettas are live platform will be held in the three major activities, in addition, bettas are also specially invited professor to military world famous commentators Zhang Zhaozhong to explain the warships to the world the host friendly water. According to understand, bettas are of warships to the world three big events, including the battleship world wonderful 24 hours uninterrupted,...

标签: 直播