新关注 > 信息聚合 > 券商普遍看好2月小阳春行情 机会偏向业绩大增个股

券商普遍看好2月小阳春行情 机会偏向业绩大增个股

Brokerage hyped market opportunities skewed towards spring in February in stocks

2017-02-09 08:26:54来源: 中国网

8日,在券商、军工等板块的带动下,A股先抑后扬,收盘实现全线飘红。当日早盘两市小幅低开后曾一度大幅下探,午后券商迎来久违大涨,与军工等板块合力拉升股指。 截至收盘,上证综指上涨0.44%,收报3166.98点;深证成指上涨0.74%,报收于10130.12点;创业板指上涨0.77%,...

8, the brokerage, war industry and so on plate leads, the a-share market after the suppression Yang, first close the red line. The two cities in early trading slightly lower after dip sharply once, afternoon brokerage with stranger, and defense industry sector, such as lift index. As of the close, the Shanghai composite index rose 0.44%, to 3166.98. The shenzhen component index is up 0.74%, closed at 10130.12. The gem refers to rise 0.77%,...