新关注 > 信息聚合 > 木讷小子卡哇伊莱昂纳德的超巨之路


Wooden boy kawaii Leonard road to super giant

2017-04-19 07:50:00来源: 梧桐篮球视野

他从替补打起,迅速脱引而出,成为王朝球队的中流砥柱,出道时投射能力一般,运动能力出众,防守出色。没错,他就是卡哇伊伦纳德。 “死亡缠绕”是其逆天绝技,专门对付对方箭头人物,总决赛的舞台上三年级生卡哇...

Him from the bench to play up, quickly take off and become a mainstay of the team dynasty, debuted shooting ability, athletic ability, good defensive. Yes, he is kawaii Leonard. "Death coil" is the fate of skills, special arrow characters against each other, the finals stage third-year student card wow...